Monday, January 29, 2007

LiveScience: An entertaining review of science news items reports the latest in scientific research, with topics ranging from human and animal biology to the forces of Nature. What’s different about this website is that the items reported on the site are so unusual and intriguing, and are briefly described with a minimum of technical details.

Here are some examples of the topics on this site:

“Huge ‘ocean’ found underneath Asian continent”
“Antiviral paint kills flu on contact”
“10 amazing things you didn’t know about animals”
“Video: seeing machine for people with macular degeneration”
“Death disks: urban flying saucers designed for U.S. military”
“Garbage cans pack spy chips”
“Genetic upper class: could the human race split?”
“Military shows off new ray gun”
“Huge ‘printer’ would build a house in 24 hours”
“Robots get soft, human-like skin”
“Fish capable of human-like logic”
“Why bats are more efficient flyers than birds”
“Genetically-modified skin cells fight infection”
“Invisible mountains revealed under Greenland ice”

Awesome site!