Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Paltalk’s public and private Screening Rooms should be a big hit
Monday, December 10, 2007
Dr. Gifford-Jones launches his own web site
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Is Internet censorship obsolete?
Web users contact the Psiphon site, and receive passwords and Web links. When the Psiphon search bar appears on their screens, they may begin surfing the Net free of blocking by government agencies. Net censors observe a nondescript IP address and have no idea which site the Psiphon user has accessed. The encrypted message appears to be one of the millions of encrypted financial transactions running through the Internet. Prospective users should visit the FAQ and Forum sections on the site to learn how the system works and how to minimize discovery by censors. Any system is vulnerable to government investigation and users should be aware of the risks involved in bypassing censorship protocols. Government investigators might even set up bogus "anonymous" proxy sites to lure and track censorship law violators. Be sure you know well the person who agrees to set up your Psiphon connection.
For a discussion about how certain countries attempt to defeat programs like Psiphon, go to:
Check out another program called Freegate, available at the site:
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology reports strange, new UFO incidents
There is a shocking report made by police officers in Argentina. On November 11, 2007, they encountered a strange craft on the road and four alien figures in the vicinity of Irene in the District of Coronel Dorrego. If you understand Spanish, you will find a more detailed report of the incident at the following link:
Another incident occurred at the Vizcaino power plant, located in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur, on June 8, 2007. A senior engineer took a photo of a UFO over the facility on June 8, 2007, using a Sony DSC-P41 camera.
What amazes me is that reports of sightings in Hispanic countries rarely appear in North American media outlets. The Inexplicata blog attempts to fill this information gap.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Arizona school teaches survival skills for national emergencies
Monday, November 26, 2007
Change a long URL to a short one
People who have one of those free websites with long URLs will also benefit from this service too. Now could look like
Check it out at
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Entrepreneur makes transition from bricks and mortar to online storefront
An onsite community for moms to gather and talk
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Advice for keeping children safe in a dangerous world John Walsh’s original America’s Most Wanted site child safety site track registered sex offenders in your neighborhood
Monday, November 19, 2007
Which is better, cable or DSL Internet service?
This online encyclopedia of computer technology information will answer most of your questions relating to your computer. It’s a great source of information for students taking an introductory computer course and requiring definitions of various computer devices, e.g. “hub”, “router”, or “switch”. Puzzled about the term “Web 2.0”? Check it out here:
Friday, November 16, 2007
Childproofing for school
Christmas is around the corner. What teen wouldn't love to find a bulletproof backpack under the tree? At $195.00, it's a bargain for parents.
Teachers rated by students and parents (United States) (Canada)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Medical information written and edited by practicing physicians
Should you buy an extended warranty for electronic appliances?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Professional musicians will record customized love songs just for you
The process is easy. First, you choose a song from several available on the site. Listen to the songs by various artists in different genres until you find the one you like. There’s pop/rock, R &B, jazz, country and many more. Next, using the template of the lyrics provided, customize the song by substituting names and phrases of your choice. Then proceed to the checkout and pay for your song. Within a week or two, you download your song from your computer as an MP3 file or receive it in the mail on a CD. Prices range from $169 to $219. You may even hire a songwriter to write a whole song from scratch just for you.
Have fun with your customized song. Arrange with a local restaurant to play it during your meal. Play it on your stereo during a romantic candle lit dinner. Load it as an MP3 on your lover’s music player as a surprise.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Avril Lavigne fights back after blogger attack
Monday, November 05, 2007
Why are many working women trading 9-to-5 jobs for Internet home-based businesses?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Disappearing bees—how will Colony Collapse Disorder affect your life?
What can you do to help the bees?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
How much fish should pregnant women eat?
Below is a link to a relevant article on the website.
Check out this site for a list of mercury content in fish:
I was not surprised to see tuna on the “high mercury” list. Many veterinarians discourage cat owners from feeding tuna to their cats.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Now everyone can be a news reporter or journalist
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Would you know what to do if your baby stopped breathing?
Here is the link:
The site also has other sections containing information on toddlers, preschoolers, and teens.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Now you can add voice to your blog, website, online ads, and auctions using your telephone or cell phone
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Find the Internet video you want with this site
New BlogTV video channel challenges YouTube (the new U.S. site) (the original Canadian site)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
The raw food lifestyle
This site features a huge library of information on various health topics, e.g. reasons to eat raw food, vitamins and minerals, rest and sleep, the vegetarian diet, detoxification, overcooking food, reasons to avoid meat, value of fasting, dangers of a high-protein diet, feeding of infants, allergies, and hay fever.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
New site displays images uploaded to public Blogger blogs
See pics of your favourite Hollywood stars and breaking news on X17
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Mystery chemtrails in the sky worry people in Ontario, Canada

I photographed two white jet aircraft in the sky above Kingston, Ontario, in September 2006 making a mess of a bright sunny day sky with their grid-like arrangement of trails.
Check out the chemtrail site at the links below.
Espanola, Ontario incident:
Index to the site:
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Experts on Call site offers new hope
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Teenager creates website that pays for her university education
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Transparency International—a global corruption watchdog
Monday, July 02, 2007
New software saves printer paper and trees
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Monitor your home or business computer
Never again worry about whether an unsavory stranger is chatting or arranging a date with your teenage child. Find out whether someone in a chat room is making inappropriate advances towards your spouse.
Click on the Webwatcher icon below to learn more about this marvel of technology.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
How our lifestyle is making us sick
Magic Tricks for everyone
The YouTube video of the This and That card trick:
The site with all the tricks:
How to find out if your cell phone is being bugged
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
First Nations National Day of Action—Canada: June 29, 2007.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Flying machines in ancient India—myth or reality?
Here is a related site:
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Your cell phone could be spying on you!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
War with Iran predicted by John Hogue
Monday, June 11, 2007
Work at home moms can operate their own website
In this video, one young lady tells in her own words why she’s glad her mom has a home business.
This video says it all:
Power your Ontario or Alberta home with “green” Bullfrog electricity
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Eyes on Darfur: a global satellite neighborhood watch
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
The mother of all online how-to manuals for doing all kinds of things This site is fun to browse
Many people embark on a hike in the woods with little knowledge about what to do if they get lost. One page on this site has a practical instruction sheet on survival in the woods. Click on the site below. Make your own bread.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Watch how fast the population of the world increases every second
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Getting along with people who are different from us
Are genetically engineered foods safe?
Here is a site which contains general, balanced information on the topic:
Genetic Roulette, by Jeffrey M. Smith, an investigative reporter, is an exceedingly scary book on the genetic modification of food. After briefly skimming through this book at my local book store, I’ve drawn up a list of foods to avoid. Margarine is at the top of my list. I’ll substitute olive oil for GM oils like canola and corn. More information about the book may be found here:
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Guidance for students and teachers planning a science fair project
Resources on the site include a Topic Selection Wizard, an interactive tool designed to enable students to choose a science research topic appropriate to their needs and interests. The Project Ideas section of the site serves as a “starter kit”, which describes the subject matter, provides bibliographic material and Internet-based sources of scientific data, as well as suggestions for experiments. The online student guide gives step-by-step instructions, beginning with scientific research methodology, typical research proposals, photos of actual science fair projects and checklists to ensure success.
What sets this site apart from other science fair information sites is the mentoring component, which enables students to interact with volunteer science and technology students and professionals. The Ask an Expert staff-monitored online forum allows students to ask questions about their projects, particularly helpful when students have trouble accessing teacher or parental assistance. The result is a higher-quality project produced by students who enjoy what they’re doing and develop a keen interest in science.
Monday, May 28, 2007
A new site to keep track of global financial markets
Whether you invest in stocks, mutual funds, futures, or Forex, you’ll like this free financial website. There is no registration requirement and no pop-ups or big ads so common on other sites.
The site features a portfolio manager and optional email alerts, useful charts and tools, as well as news stories about global market events.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The history and the future of technology from a scientific point of view
The author is offering this first book in a series as a free download, in Adobe Acrobat format, at his website. If you don’t have it on your computer, you may download the Adobe Acrobat Reader for free on this site as well. When you reach the site, go to “Enter and Welcome to Tomorrow”. Next, click on “The Book”. There are full instructions about downloading the book to your computer.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Explore your family tree with
This site prides itself as being “the world’s largest online collection of historical records and family trees”, with over 257 million people, over 144,000 family stories, and 1,000,000 photos in the data base. The site includes links to other data bases, including U.S. birth and death records, census and immigration information, and U.S. military records.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Free office suite program looks a lot like Microsoft Office
Open Office is a multi-platform program, meaning that it is compatible with Linus and Mac. It works with many other office suite products. I've used it to open Wordperfect documents received in an e-mail attachment. Users who are computer-savvy may participate in the development of the program.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Gardening experts answer your gardening questions
The site offers fact sheets on a multitude of gardening topics, a forum which enables readers to ask questions and receive answers about gardening. There is also a telephone information line for those who prefer to speak with gardening experts. Ontario, Canada residents may access a toll-free gardening hotline at 1-888-777-7048 from 11:00 am-4 pm, Monday to Friday. Anyone outside Ontario may reach a special info line by calling (416)-397-1345 Mon.-Fri., 10:00 am-1:00 pm (EST) and Sat., Sun. and Holidays from noon to 3 pm.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Sites for helping your child with elementary and junior high school math Elementary and junior high topics Review of basics and some math games.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Flickr-- a place to store, organize and share your photos for free
Well worth exploring:
Monday, April 23, 2007
Open Medicine: an independent, international general medical journal
A revolutionary site:
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Try this online dictionary/thesaurus with built-in word pronunciation
The site includes specialized dictionaries in the fields of computing, law, medicine, and finance. You can also look up the meanings of common acronyms (like URL) and idioms in the English language. Writers will find this site invaluable.
Thursday, April 19, 2007 for teachers who want to incorporate technology into their classroom
Teachnology is the site for teachers who wish to utilize technology in the classroom.
The site also contains a vast collection of online resources and support tools, and free classroom materials designed by practicing teachers. For small annual fee, educators may purchase a membership which allows access to an extensive archive of reproducible lesson and evaluation materials.
A popular site with teachers:
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Can you solve these Canadian historical mysteries?
One day in 1880, several members of the “Black” Donnellys were killed when their farm in rural Ontario was set afire. Later that night someone murdered another member of the Donnelly family. Who was responsible for this crime and why was no one ever found guilty of the crime?
If you’re a history buff, you’ll enjoy trying to solve these mysteries by researching the events.
Home page:
Monday, April 09, 2007
Let the online games begin!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Will this diet help reverse the rising tide of autism?
Donna has conducted research with autistic children, placing them on a supervised diet containing fermented or cultured foods. With the establishment of a healthy ecosystem in the intestinal tract, the children begin to digest the high quality fats which enable their immune and digestive systems to gain the strength required to overcome infections.
Home page:
Article about autism:
Friday, March 23, 2007
HowStuffWorks: a practical online encylopedia
Learn how to build your own computer by watching seven videos featuring step-by-step instructions. Find out how to do minor electrical repairs around the house. Get your stalled lawnmower running again using the tutorial on small engine repairs and maintenance.
There is a huge library of science and engineering topics. If you want to discover how autofocus cameras work, how GPS receivers work, or how diesel locomotives work, it’s all here on this site, in both print and video formats.
Home page:
Direct links to some interesting articles:
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Medical doctor investigates Phoenix, Arizona UFO reports
Lynne D. Kitei M.D. is well known as a physician and public health educator. She has held the position of Chief Clinical Consultant at the Arizona Heart Institute’s Imaging/Prevention/Wellness Center in Phoenix, Arizona.
On March 13, 1997 she, along with thousands of people, witnessed a phenomenon in the sky above Phoenix, Arizona which has been dubbed the “Phoenix Lights”. Eyewitnesses reported a silent, mile-long, v-shaped formation of lights. After seven years of researching the topic and gathering photographic evidence, Lynne has gone public on her website.
Very strange:
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Protecting your children from automobile dangers
Power window strangulation and hypothermia are two of the most common non-traffic events reported in the media.
Legislation to improve child safety features in motor vehicles is pending in the U.S. The site contains a video of Senator Hillary Clinton speaking on this topic at a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on February 27, 2007.
Home page:
Monday, March 12, 2007
Breaking news about inventors and their inventions
Nathan Ball’s invention is right out of Spiderman! His battery-powered Rope Ascender device, with a 250-lb carrying capacity, will allow firefighters or soldiers to “reverse rappel” up a 30-story building in 30 seconds. Nathan won the 2007 Lemelson-MIT Prize for his invention.
This site contains dozens of interesting stories about inventors and their technological projects.
Home page for the site:
Nathan’s story:
How to survive outdoor emergencies
You’ll find everything you need to know on this site. Print out the information and save it in a binder to carry along with you on your next trip. It could help save your life.
Are humans the product of off-world intervention?
Intriguing evidence:
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Geologist predicts earthquakes with accuracy
Canadian contractor rescues ripped-off homeowners
Every day on his popular TV program, Holmes On Holmes, Mike Holmes puts the spotlight on shoddy renovations, explaining how homeowners have been cheated by careless and incompetent renovators.
Often Mike and his team have to tear out everything and start fresh, narrating the process to the viewers. This website showcases upcoming projects, including his charitable work, and videos featuring tips for homeowners.
Great site:
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Surfing college students cash in on Internet boom
Canadian physician, Dr. Ken Evoy, has invented an all-in-one program called Site Build-It! which solves these problems. His system allows anyone to build a professional-grade website capable of generating significant income and paying for itself very quickly. Dr. Evoy’s daughter, Nori, began using his system as a teenager, and now earns enough money to pay all her college expenses. Read her story on this site.
Click here for details:
Friday, March 09, 2007
Are you at risk of a heart attack or stroke? Find out here.
Click the link below to get started now:
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
E-mail large files for free on this site
There is a basic free account for occasional personal use. There are other paid plans for more frequent users, as well as business and professional users.
Recently I used the free service to send three separate 50MB files, which took about two minutes each.
Click here:
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Supermodels around the world
This site provides news from the modeling industry, highlighting various models and their most recent agency associations. In addition there is a list of model agencies by country and models enlisted by them. There is also a list of photographers who work with supermodels.
Membership in the site is free and are able to post on forums and receive a newsletter containing background stories, news, and gossip. Members have unlimited and unrestricted access to the supermodels movie archive and “big scan” photos, as well as recordings of shows, interviews and other videos.
Home page:
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Do you ever dine alone? SoloDining is the site for you!
A helpful site:
Friday, March 02, 2007
The Classroom @ Sea Project: Drilling the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Seismological research has determined that the FTFZ appears to be a gap in the crust of the Earth thousands of kilometers wide. The mantle, located in the interior of the planet, is typically covered by crust several kilometers thick. The crust thickness averages about 18 miles (30 kilometers) under the continents, but is only about 3 miles (5 kilometers) under the oceans. It is light and fragile. The mission will attempt to determine whether the ocean crust was dislodged by geological faults or never formed in that area.
This voyage of discovery has been designed as an interactive project for students. The site features a diary which, beginning March 5, 2007, will display accounts of onboard events of interest. The website includes informative modules describing the marine geology and biological environment. Teaching aids and reproducible worksheets are provided. In addition, the site gallery will contain photo highlights of the cruise. Students around the world will be able to e-mail members of the team and ask questions about the excursion.
Climb aboard:
Psycho-Geometrics: Try this personality test based on geometric shapes
According to Dr. Dellinger’s system, your personality may be associated with one of the following basic shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, or squiggle.
As a test subject, you respond to the question, Which of the five shapes best describes you as a person? Your choice will be an indication of your personality type. When you do the test at the link below you will be amazed at how accurately the system categorizes your personality.
Of course, this system of geometric psychology is useful for identifying the beliefs, values and attitudes of employers, co-workers, employees, customers, spouses, and children. Armed with this critical information, you are in a position to modify your communication style in order to relate effectively to other people in your life.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Why more than 90% of small business websites fail
Dr. Ken Evoy, a recognized expert on website traffic generation, has developed a comprehensive web-building system called Site Build It!, which has produced sites so efficient that 62% of them score in the top 3% of all websites in terms of traffic ranking. In other words, traffic to these sites is higher than 97% of all sites on the Net. In fact, 35% of Site Build It! sites are in the top 1% of all sites on the Net. Predictably, these sites are receiving higher numbers of potential customers, which greatly increases profitability for their owners.
On his site, Dr. Evoy briefly describes and explains how his system operates to deliver the high volume of traffic required to achieve success.
Worth reading:
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Linda Moulton Howe’s Earthfiles—environmental and paranormal mysteries
Linda Moulton Howe, an investigative journalist and editor of, is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer. Linda’s site reports news on scientific and environmental events. Today’s stories include the mysterious and growing disappearance of honey bees and amphibians. There is also a report on the “Noah’s Ark” seed vault, installed by the Global Crop Diversity Trust, inside a mountain at Svalbard, Norway, designed to archive seed samples of the world’s plants in the event of a global catastrophe. Linda's site features extensive files on UFOs and the aerial drones that are now appearing in our skies.
The site’s archive, accessible by subscription, contains stories about crop circles, ufo incidents, cattle mutiliation, and other unsolved mysteries. Podcasts are available on a number of topics.
Fascinating information:
Sunday, February 25, 2007
BLDGBLOG: Architectural conjecture—Urban speculation—Landscape futures
This blog is entertaining and informative. One entry describes a brand of tiles employing patterns based on highway interchange designs. You could have your bathroom walls look like a road interchange in Barcelona or Bogata.
Another entry describes a vertical cemetery in Santos, Brazil, which looks like a skyscraper from a science fiction film.
Other entries speak about urban problems, like China’s “cancer villages”, whose inhabitants are becoming victims of extensive water and air pollution. There was a reference to “Chinese Death Vans”, mobile execution-by-injection clinics that serve small villages unable to afford to send criminals to major cities for execution by firing squad. Apparently this system makes the harvesting of organs more efficient too.
It’s a keeper:
Consumers bite back at arrogant retailers
Do you have a consumer complaint about a product or service? Post it to the Consumerist website and watch their agents go into action. They investigate complaints, put pressure on the offending merchants by writing a story about their misdeeds, and often gain satisfaction for consumers.
One of today’s top stories on the site is about problems customers of Verizon Wireless is having with some clients’ accounts. Rather than suffer in silence, customers are using the power of the Internet to battle this giant.
The Consumerist site also contains articles designed to educate shoppers. Here are a few titles of articles on the site today:
“50 ways to save at the grocery store”
“12 ways to save on utilities”
“Investing basics: the savings account”
“Easy, cheap DIY cleaning formulas”
Keep this site handy:
Downloading of music MP3 files with no copy restrictions
Puretracks, a Canadian-owned company, today made available 50,000 tracks with no Digital Rights Management restrictions. You can burn them, e-mail or copy them to your computer, MP3 player, or cell phone. Although the songs are from minor labels, there is hope that major labels like Universal and Warner will work with their artists to drop the digital locks on some of their music for promotional purposes.
Home page:
Scientists to embark on North Pole Inner Earth expedition
Dr. Brooks Agnew, who has a PhD in physics, is leading a North Pole Inner Earth exploratory team of 33 scientists in late August of 2007. The $2 million project will utilize a Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker, the only civilian vessel capable of making the 20-day round trip.
Seismographic analysis has determined that the crust of the earth is up to 800 miles thick, and that there are vast cavernous chambers within parts of this crust. Previous North Pole explorers have speculated that there is a polar opening in the crust of the earth leading to a vast underground area. Dr. Agnew’s team will attempt to find this opening and employ high tech gear to investigate the extent of this “inner earth”.
Fascinating site:
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Why build just a website when you could build a business?
If you’re interested in starting up an Internet business, beware of the bargain website trap. A cheap website is worthless if it fails to generate a high volume of qualified traffic. Dr. Ken Evoy, an expert on business website construction, offers some valuable tips for novice and seasoned entrepreneurs alike. His Site Built It! system demonstrates what it takes to deliver large numbers of qualified visitors to a website.
Take a look at Ken’s site:
Use your computer to make free voice and video calls
A business version of SightSpeed is available for $4.95 per month. Multi-party video conferencing and priority technical support come with this model.
At the present time, I’m using Skype, but I’m planning to try SightSpeed and compare the video quality, especially during times of high member usage.
Take a closer look:
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
An interracial dating opportunity
In the Blog section of the site, open to the public, members write about their experiences with interracial dating, recording their thoughts and feelings. Other members are allowed to comment on blog writings and exchanges can occasionally become quite emotional.
Success Stories recount how members have met someone, have become friends and expanded their knowledge of people from other cultures. Many have decided to date. Still others have fallen in love and are happily married.
The Forums are open to the public and describe both the advantages and the possible issues for those who get involved in interracial dating. It’s not always an easy thing—especially for the families of the individuals concerned. Topics also include “family”, “friendship”, “health”, “jokes and anecdotes”, “religion”, “romance” and many more.
Basic membership in the site is free, as are lifetime ads. Feel free to browse the site before you join to determine whether interracial chatting/dating is right for you.
This site could change your life:
Kathleen Keating reports on End Times
Kathleen Keating is an investigative journalist who reports on paranormal topics from a spiritual perspective. Her topics include the predictions of visionaries, forecasts of disasters coming to the U.S. and the world. Keating’s podcasts are carried on the Enigma Radio Network. She is the author of many Catholic/Christian themed books. Her latest work, Torn Sky: Project Jerusalem, is an “end times” novel featuring characters attempting to make sense out of the chaos of today’s world.
Home page:
Some of her Enigma Radio Network podcasts may be heard here:
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Alex Jones warns about the coming U.S. police state
Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist, controversial radio talk-show host, and documentary filmmaker. He grabbed headlines when he publicly questioned the mainstream media account of the September 2001 terrorist attacks. Jones has produced films on topics ranging from the New World Order, government-sponsored terrorism, and the imminent establishment of a police state in the United States. A new film by Alex Jones, Terror Storm, exploring documented cases of government-sponsored terrorism, is available on Google Video.
The Infowars website contains shocking news items about the extent of surveillance in society, the proliferation of RFID (wireless) chips, the transition to a cashless society, the trend to embedded microchips, and the machinations of the Illuminati. Jones points to the accelerating convergence of advancing technology and the political ambitions of the “elite”.
A scary site:
Dave McMurtry Changes lives in Colombia, S.A.
Dave McMurtry visited Colombia, South America, for three months back in 2002 and observed first-hand the plight of families displaced by civil strife. He noted that seventy percent of the population of Sincilejo, which is located 2 hours by road from Cartagena, consists of displaced people living in huts constructed of scrap wood and metal. Dave decided to help some of these people by building 25 permanent houses, including the infrastructure for sanitation facilities. Dave seeded the development with his own time and money and has watched his new “village” grow beyond his expectations as additional money has flowed from interested supporters. The project includes a counseling center designed to utilize the skills of the unemployed in the construction of the houses.
In an effort to keep his friends, family, colleagues, and the general public informed about his progress on the project, Dave set up this blog. Anyone wishing to contribute financially may do so by donating via the site to Habitat For Humanity, which has created a special account for Dave’s project, and undertaken to issue tax receipts.
An inspiring story:
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Bath, Ontario, Canada group fights Lafarge plan to burn tires
It appears that the Ontario government has given the green light to the project, with the proviso that air quality studies be done when incineration begins later this year. The Clean Air Bath group wants a preliminary Environmental Assessment completed before any burning of tires takes place. There is some concern about reports that other Lafarge plants engaged in the burning of tires have caused significant deterioration of air quality in affected communities.
Watch this site for developments:
Home based business a popular option for retirees
Most people don’t have a great deal of computer expertise and prefer an “all-in-one” package which allows them to build an Internet business without having to deal with the technical details.
Dr. Ken Evoy, a physician living in Montreal, Canada, has invented an “all-in-one” program, which he calls Site Built It! This system allows people who have no technical knowledge to construct a professional-grade website capable of generating the traffic needed to attain profitability.
More details here:
Monday, January 29, 2007
Whitley Strieber’s roundup of strange news
Whitley Strieber’s reports on the latest “edge” topics, including UFOs, crop circles, unorthodox archaeological theories, and prophecy. His wife, Anne Strieber, is the managing editor of the site.
Whitley Strieber’s is well known for his book, Communion, published in 1987. It is claimed to be a true account of his alien abduction experiences, which occurred primarily at his upstate New York cabin.
Mr. Strieber also hosts his Dreamland radio program. Author and mythologist William Henry is a frequent guest host. Emmy award winner Linda Moulton Howe is a regular science reporter for the program. The people associated with this site have dedicated their lives to the unraveling of some of today’s strangest mysteries.
Fascinating site!
LiveScience: An entertaining review of science news items reports the latest in scientific research, with topics ranging from human and animal biology to the forces of Nature. What’s different about this website is that the items reported on the site are so unusual and intriguing, and are briefly described with a minimum of technical details.
Here are some examples of the topics on this site:
“Huge ‘ocean’ found underneath Asian continent”
“Antiviral paint kills flu on contact”
“10 amazing things you didn’t know about animals”
“Video: seeing machine for people with macular degeneration”
“Death disks: urban flying saucers designed for U.S. military”
“Garbage cans pack spy chips”
“Genetic upper class: could the human race split?”
“Military shows off new ray gun”
“Huge ‘printer’ would build a house in 24 hours”
“Robots get soft, human-like skin”
“Fish capable of human-like logic”
“Why bats are more efficient flyers than birds”
“Genetically-modified skin cells fight infection”
“Invisible mountains revealed under Greenland ice”
Awesome site!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
American First Nations--the real history
His website,, contains a wealth of information, including paintings and photographs, and the historical background of his books. Dr. Paul’s intention is to provide users of his website with an accurate account of the history and aspirations of Native Peoples.
An eye-opener:
Monday, January 22, 2007
Gigscore: classifieds for musicians
Take a look:
The Junkman shoots down false claims, fake scams and scares
Have a look at this site:
Are children’s birthday parties getting out of control?
On their site, they outline what exactly is spiraling out of control about birthday parties, how things got that way, how kids and parents have been affected, and what can be done to solve the problem. They offer suggestions for alternatives to the usual format of birthday parties. Visitors to the site may take a “Birthday Pressure Quiz” to determine the extent of the pressure they are under concerning birthday parties.
Visit the site:
Friday, January 19, 2007
Is raw food better for you?
The site features recipes for raw, vegan and vegetarian dishes.
Check out the home page:
Some interesting reading:
The Altavista Babel Fish language translation engine
Have fun with it:
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The "Site Built It!" System: A way to build a website that performs!
There are all kinds of sites on the Net offering simple website-building tools and cheap hosting. But the website offered usually lacks an effective marketing component. The website just sits there, looks pretty, and takes up space on the Web. What was needed was a user-friendly website package which would enable anyone to set up a professional-grade website designed to attract visitors and convert them to willing buyers of goods and services.
A Canadian physician, Dr. Ken Evoy, invented a system which combines website-building, hosting, and marketing in one package. The system teaches you how to design a site that will generate a high volume of traffic and sales. That’s the prescription for profitability.
This site contains a video tour of Dr. Evoy’s system. After viewing the presentation, I was impressed with how the system automates all the complexities of web-building and allows novices to get in on the boom in Internet marketing.
The tour starts here:
Canadian Brass: musical excitement
This band’s repertoire ranges from classical music to blues, with a definite Baroque flavor. The scope of their performances includes the work of J.S. Bach, Vivaldi, Pachelbel, Gabrieli, Beethoven, Wagner and many others. The brass quintet, which has been in existence for 35 years, has recently announced the addition of five trumpet players to their group.
Click on the blue box in the lower right corner of the home page to sample their music. Johann Sebastian Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in d minor, with Fred Mills on the trumpet, is representative of the talent in this world-renowned concert ensemble.
Canadian Brass home page:
Times Square, New York—live images

Watch what’s going on at Times Square, New York via Earthcam. Scroll down the Times Square Earthcam page to get the feeds from a total of 16 different cameras. There are archives of images from previous days.
Times Square, New York:
Earthcam home page for other worldwide live cams:
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
UFOs-- the phenomenon that won’t go away
UFO Evidence has articles on various theories about UFOs, sighting reports, cases involving famous people and UFO photographs.
Home page:
Learn how to do almost anything

Here you’ll find the instructions for a myriad of common activities, organized by category.
Would you like to jump start your car in a safe manner? Print out the “How to charge your car battery” article and keep it in the glove compartment.
Want to brush up on your sheet music reading skills? Check out the “How to read sheet music” article.
There are hundreds of instructional articles on this site and it’s entertaining just to browse them.
Home page:
Battery article:
Sheet music article:
How good are your driving skills when you’re distracted?

The Insurance Bureau of Canada’s website features a virtual driving test. It is designed to show you how various distractions, e.g. using a cell phone, affect your driving. It’s fun and sure makes a point!
The driver test:
Scary distracted driver videos:
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Successful Affiliate Marketing: Dr. Ken Evoy offers valuable information

Dr. Ken Evoy, a Canadian physician and Internet marketing consultant, has valuable advice for anyone planning or already involved in Internet affiliate marketing. Without sufficient traffic, a website will fail to achieve results. Dr. Evoy reveals here what it takes to build a website that will generate massive traffic and significant revenue.
More information:
Advice for parents: How to raise smart, healthy, caring, and responsible kids
There are tips for moms and dads, describing in detail strategies for instilling in their children healthy attitudes and values, as well as suggestions for establishing boundaries and expectations for harmonious family life. Being a fully-involved parent is not easy, and this site will help you develop the skills you will need.
This kind of information is more important than ever in a society where many children learn their attitudes and values by default from their peer groups and the media.
Well worth a visit:
Skype: Free long distance calling on your computer

Many people have an Internet connection and are unaware that they can make free and unlimited long distance calls to friends and relatives within Canada and the United States who also have an Internet connection. Both parties have to download and install Skype, a free program. In addition, each caller has to have a headset with a microphone, or a dedicated handset called a SkypePhone. These are inexpensive and available at any electronics store.
The program is designed to let you know when other users are online so that you can invite them for a chat. If I find someone is not online, I often make a 10-second call on my regular phone and have them go online and meet me on Skype. Then I can talk as long as I wish.
Skype has other functions available for use in the free program. The group chat is an example. Users are able to establish and moderate a group public chat on a topic of their choice. These chat rooms are interesting to monitor. Some users wish to improve their Spanish language skills and set up a chat for this purpose; the possibilities are endless. Conference calls with up to nine people are possible. It’s a great way to organize a trip or hold an informal meeting.
Installing a webcam enables users to conduct free video chats. It’s a great way to keep in touch with friends and relatives who live thousands of miles away. My Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX is one of the webcams that is designed to work with Skype, and performs very well. Look for the Skype logo on the box if you’re shopping for a webcam. Check reviews for products on the Net before you buy.
For a small annual fee, a Skype user can now connect directly with any telephone in Canada and the U.S., using the SkypOut National plan. Where can you get unlimited long distance calling within Canada and the U.S. for an annual fee of US$29.95? International destinations are available for pennies per minute on the SkypOut International plan. The traditional telecommunication companies are beginning to feel the heat.
Check it out: