While surfing the Net, I discovered a website reporting a strange phenomenon referred to as “chemtrails”. People in various parts of Ontario, Canada have seen unfamiliar aircraft flying crosshatch paths in the skies, leaving white trails containing chemicals of an undetermined nature, which drifted to the ground. At first I thought that this might just involve the misinterpretation of common vapor trails left by jets. But, in one report of spraying in Espanola, Ontario in 1999, a man reported feeling fine particles landing on his face, causing a stinging sensation. Several hundred residents of the area sent a petition to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment requesting that they intervene to stop U.S. jets from spraying over their community. Water samples showed elevated levels of aluminum among other contaminants. Residents complained of mysterious flu-like symptoms and other ailments which followed spraying operations.
I photographed two white jet aircraft in the sky above Kingston, Ontario, in September 2006 making a mess of a bright sunny day sky with their grid-like arrangement of trails.
Check out the chemtrail site at the links below.
I photographed two white jet aircraft in the sky above Kingston, Ontario, in September 2006 making a mess of a bright sunny day sky with their grid-like arrangement of trails.
Check out the chemtrail site at the links below.
Espanola, Ontario incident: http://www.holmestead.ca/chemtrails/completehealth.html
Index to the holmestead.ca site: http://www.holmestead.ca/index-ct.html
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