Thursday, September 27, 2007

New site displays images uploaded to public Blogger blogs

Blogger Play gives you a continuous stream of images that were just uploaded to public Blogger blogs. Click on the image to access the blog post containing it. Click on “show info” to view the post title, an excerpt of the text of the post as well as some profile information on the blogger who uploaded the image.

See pics of your favourite Hollywood stars and breaking news on X17

This site contains dozens of candid shots of Hollywood stars accompanied by comments about the photos. There’s lots of interesting gossip here!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mystery chemtrails in the sky worry people in Ontario, Canada

While surfing the Net, I discovered a website reporting a strange phenomenon referred to as “chemtrails”. People in various parts of Ontario, Canada have seen unfamiliar aircraft flying crosshatch paths in the skies, leaving white trails containing chemicals of an undetermined nature, which drifted to the ground. At first I thought that this might just involve the misinterpretation of common vapor trails left by jets. But, in one report of spraying in Espanola, Ontario in 1999, a man reported feeling fine particles landing on his face, causing a stinging sensation. Several hundred residents of the area sent a petition to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment requesting that they intervene to stop U.S. jets from spraying over their community. Water samples showed elevated levels of aluminum among other contaminants. Residents complained of mysterious flu-like symptoms and other ailments which followed spraying operations.
I photographed two white jet aircraft in the sky above Kingston, Ontario, in September 2006 making a mess of a bright sunny day sky with their grid-like arrangement of trails.
Check out the chemtrail site at the links below.

Index to the site:

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Experts on Call site offers new hope

Children with ADHD face difficulties at school, at home, and in social interaction in general. Many parents and caregivers need help and often don’t know where to turn. The Experts on Call website shown below offers support in the form of an educational hot line featuring live chat online with experts in ADHD, e.g. teachers, counselors, school nurses, teacher aides, doctors and parents. The site also lists a toll-free number, accessible from both Canada and the U.S.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Teenager creates website that pays for her university education

It all began when Nori Evoy, now 16 years of age, went on a vacation for the second time with her dad to the Caribbean island of Anguilla, in August of 2002. Fascinated with Anguilla, Nori expressed an interest in establishing a website to help other people discover this sunny paradise. Her father, Ken Evoy, a Canadian physician and Internet entrepreneur, encouraged Nori to try her hand at using his Sitesell website business package. With a minimum of assistance from her dad, Nori built and developed a website which today earns her enough money to cover all her educational expenses and more. Read her story and check out her website at the link below.